Ensuring that your guests understand the risks of the tour/activity they have booked and releasing you of liability must be handled in a certain way. Of course you should seek legal advice and get a professional to help with your …
Your waiver process is important. Getting a guest to sign a waiver upon arrival for a paid tour may not cut it in a court of law. Guests need to see the waiver well in advance of tour start date. …
How Experience Operators and Small Campground Operators do business has changed. To stay competitive and grow, small and medium-sized businesses need to adopt new digital tools and technology. What does this ‘Digital Transformation’ buzzword even mean? Digital technology provides us …

“The potential of tourism is enormous, and we have a shared responsibility to make sure it is fully realized. On World Tourism Day 2022, UNWTO calls on everyone, from tourism workers to tourists themselves, as well as small businesses, large …
Def’n – au·to·ma·tion – to improve efficiencies From personalizing your customer experiences to saving your team hours of production time, there are countless benefits to the world of automation. Hours are wasted every day on small admin tasks that can …