Personalize Your Service to Appeal to the Millennial Traveller

Personalize Your Service to Appeal to the Millennial Traveller

Travel Marketing columnist for MediaPost, Verena Thompson, reported in an article June this year, “We’re seeing unprecedented changes in the world of travel and tourism, from the emergence of the “sharing economy” to the rise of the millennial traveller. “

She goes on to say, “To answer that question, we discussed the latest developments in the travel industry with vacationers, business travelers, industry experts, and working professionals throughout the United States and Latin America. ” Some key points:

Today’s travelers are open, spontaneous, and fearless. So how can you get them in your camp? By embracing flexibility and celebrating consumer choice.

Vacations aren’t just vacations anymore. They’re opportunities for enrichment. Today’s travelers want fresh educational experiences to prepare them for life in an increasingly interconnected society.

 “Tourist” is a four-letter word.  Focus on forging one-on-one interactions between travelers and locals.

The peer-to-peer marketplace isn’t your enemy. In fact, services like Airbnb can be wellsprings of inspiration—and opportunities for innovation.

Today’s voyagers want to create unique travel experiences that can’t be duplicated. They discover and express their individuality at every point along their journey. When selling to these travelers, think of it this way: it’s not about products. It’s about purpose. What kind of experience does your brand offer? Can you feel it, tell a story about it, or capture it in a picture?

From Nest to Netflix, we’re accustomed to hyper-personalized digital experiences at home, at work, and even on vacation. So how can you make the most of the information you already have?(Excerpted from the article, The New World of Travel 06/07/16 on In another post on our website we reported on how millenneial traveller choices were different.

So, it also begs the question: what we can do to personalize your booking service and CRM for the Millennial Traveller?

We’ve found that certain enhanced features of our res system can help, which is why Adventue Engine continues to be a leader in technology for tourism. For example, allowing your guests to log in to update profiles makes it easier for everyone to keep track of everything from disabilities to dietary constraints. Sending out automated email follow ups “x” months after a trip is a lot better than a generic e-newsletter. We can also offer custom language shopping carts and choices for how you price in different currencies.

These types of features, along with Adventure Engine’s ability to be customised for our operators, makes it a great choice for small and large businesses alike. Contact us to get some ideas of how we can help you serve your customers more personally.