Google Travel Trends Summer 2015

Google Travel Trends Summer 2015

The Google travel trends summer 2015 report is out and, no surprise, this quarter is busier than last and people continue to search and book online in increasing numbers. They provide a report in a very useful format using an interactive dashboard. There is a free version and a pay to play version. The free dashboard they provide to play around with is great, but limited only to US data. For those of us outside the US, there is still good information, but some we have to draw some inferences.

For example, in the report google says that this is definitely a year of the staycation – domestic travel in the US is way up. I’d say that probably holds true for here in Canada as well, just talking to tourism people. Is it the same in your country too? (see related story on destinations sought by US adventure travel segment both domestically and internationally)

You can play with the dashboard tool to select 3 commonly sought travel services: air, hotel, rental car. You can put in a destinations and google will tell you where people come from. You can also select by market and see where the people from those places people go to.

And here is an interesting screen shot. (dbl click to view larger)

google chart showing mobile trends

Tours and attractions are the next highest volume searches on mobile after hotels. This means that people are probably in the destination and searching right there. If your website is not responsive to screen size you should budget for a redesign at your next opportunity.

Adventure Engine shopping carts are mobile friendly, but you may need to get us to tweak them to work perfectly. We do this at NO COST for our members so make sure to take advantage of this.

Please note that if you are planning to get a redesign for your website let us give us a call. We now do website design in WordPress. (see example Contact us for a quote.

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